Drop test
We load the E+ suitcase with 12 kg. The suitcase is then dropped onto various sides and edges from a height of 90 cm.
The test conducted concerns the E+ cabin suitcase. For medium and large suitcases, which are often thrown during luggage handling at airports, we recommend choosing suitcases made of polycarbonate (E3 line). They are much more durable than suitcases made from ABS (E1 line and JOY).
Wheel abrasion test
We load the suitcase with 12 kg and position it so that all four wheels are in contact with two rotating rollers that move at a speed equivalent to 4 km/h. The rollers have irregularities that simulate uneven terrain. This test is carried out over a distance equivalent to 8 km.
Handle Jerk Test
We load the suitcase with 12 kg and suspend it in the air by its telescopic handle. The suitcase is lifted and dropped, and then halted using the telescopic handle after a free fall for a specified distance. This cycle is repeated 500 times.
Pole Durability Test
The suitcase is attached to a control device, with the pull value being the maximum extension length of the pole. During the test, there is a 5-minute break every 1000 repetitions. This cycle is repeated 3000 times.